In a desperate attempt to survive, Doctor Strange used his magic to transport various venomized heroes from their dimensions to his own. With his new allies from across the Multiverse, a Resistance was created to fight against the Poisons, an alien species capable of assimilating symbiotes and their hosts. The Resistance now struggles to stop the Hive and their onslaught.

Showing 1–18 of 30 results

Agent Venom Custom Minifigure Keychain


Anti-Venom Custom Minifigure Keychain


Black Panther Custom Minifigure Keychain


Captain America (Venomverse) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Carnage (2021) Custom Minifigure


Carnage Custom Minifigure Keychain


Cletus Kasady (Carnage) Custom Minifigure


Colossus (Venomized) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Cyclops (Venomized) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Doctor Doom (Poison) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Doctor Strange (Venomverse) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Domino (Poison) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Eddie Brock Custom Minifigure


Eddie Brock/Venom Custom Minifigure Keychain


Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) (Venomverse) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Lasher Custom Minifigure Keychain


Mania Custom Minifigure Keychain


Mary Jane (Venomverse) Custom Minifigure Keychain
