The wizarding world, also referred to as the magical community, is the society in which wizards and witches live and interact separate from the Muggle (non-wizarding) society.

Showing all 11 results

Professor Dumbledore Custom Minfigure Keychain


Salazar Slytherin Custom Minifigure Keychain


Rowena Ravenclaw Custom Minifigure Keychain


Helga Hufflepuff Custom Minifigure Keychain


Godric Gyffindor Custom Minifigure Keychain


Queenie Goldstein Custom Minifigure Keychain


Fenrir Greyback Custom Minifigure Keychain


Alastor Moody Custom Minifigure Keychain


Newt Scamander (w/ Suitcase and Niffler) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Professor Dumbledore (Variant) Custom Minifigure Keychain


Jacob Kowalski Custom Minifigure Keychain
