Technic KAZI 98242 Dongfeng City Train


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  • Products marked with MOC are MOC parts kits, which are custom items. They require 5-7 working days for order preparation.
  • No original box, but we guarantee product quality with intact plastic packaging.
  • If any parts are found missing or lost after purchase, contact us within 1 year and we will send replacement parts for free.
  • If you need the original box, please click below to add it to your cart with the set and checkout.

Features & Compatibility

??Technic KAZI 98242 Dongfeng City Train

The Dongfeng City Train is a relatively inexpensive and educational construction kit for children, as well as for adults with a fascination for machinery.


Product Name: Dongfeng City Train

This Kit Contains: KAZI 98242

375 pcs Good Quality Bricks

Manual building instruction

Without Original Box

? Nature of the protagonist

Introducing our proud collection named “Dongfeng City Train??you should not miss.

This is a set of self-locking bricks that are easy to assemble. The kit comes with 375+ pieces and detailed assembly instructions, so you can build a whole train from start to finish.

?For more of our work, please visit our shop at:

Technic KAZI 98242 Dongfeng City Train
Technic KAZI 98242 Dongfeng City Train

Additional information

Weight 1.12 kg
Dimensions 375 cm

Customer Reviews